Who We Are

Fairview School believes in the value of every child and adult who enter our school, and therefore want our pupils, especially, to feel valued and respected, taking their place and fitting perfectly as a big part of our school puzzle. Fairview School recognizes every child as an individual, with inherent creativity and the ability to succeed and therefore: Provide an environment suitable for every child of all race and learning ability to learn and grow.


Fairview School recognizes every child as an individual, with inherent creativity and the ability to succeed and will therefore:

  • Provide an environment suitable for every child of all race and learning ability to learn and grow.
  • Provide learning experience for each child through a balanced curriculum, that lays the foundation for learning through life.
  • Maintain a productive relationship with all stakeholders, parents and communities, in the best interest of the child.


 Mission Statement

  • Helping each child come into confident possession of its innate abilities and to establish values that will distinguish them through a life-long journey of learning.
  • Providing every child with the right environment to exhibit his/her talent and establish values that will distinguish them through a life-long journey of learning

I Believe In Fairview Vision And Goals.
I Promise To Excel In All My Subjects.
I Will Do My Best At All Times.
So Help Me God.

In Fairview We Keep Soaring High
The School That Soars To Excellence
We Are Raising Global Leaders In
Hard-Work, Discipline And Integrity.
We Soar High,
We Soar High
We Soar High To Greater Heights
Fairview Stands Out In Honesty,
We Are Determined
I Love Fairview School
Fairview Is The Best.
God Bless Fairview School.

Our Creator, We Thank You For The Night And For A Pleasant Morning Light
For Rest And Food And Loving Care
And All That Makes The Day So Fair.
Help Us To Do The Things We Should
To Be To Others Kind And Good
In All We Do At Work Or Play
To Grow More Loving Everyday.